EarthFlight with the Mother Dragons

Series One: Rooted Remembering

We call you to return to your roots, to remember the earthed resilience of your being.


We ask you to join once again in the magical wisdom of the EarthFlight.

Rooted and Winged, Earthed and Starborn, hear the songs of the Mother Dragons and the Fae Queens, and come join us…

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Our world is caught in the turbulence of transformation. The future feels uncertain, the way forward unclear. It seems selfish to focus on ourselves when so much is changing and there’s so much to be done.

The Mother Dragons invite you to pause.


And pause again.

All true and lasting change begins with the inner pause for breath and reflection. All is changing, this is true. But it does not need to feel so overwhelming. And it's not selfish to want to live a different kind of life. Your magic can uplift and inspire others. Your roots can allow you to take flight in your life, once you give yourself space to flourish.

You are not alone.

Let Dragon and Fae inspiration remind you of your inner spark of joy.

What would it feel like to live a simpler life, with more flow, more abundance and more freedom? What would it mean to you to know that this is possible? Where in your heart is there a deep longing for more joy?

You hold the knowing that you came here for this time. Now let yourself live.


The joyful journey of those free souls on this planet who are committed to living incarnated lives as embodied, divine light

Come into sacred space with us for five blessed and precious weeks, in this first series of EarthFlight.

Discover your heart’s answers to the questions your life is bringing to you.


Be held by the wisdom and power of the Mother Dragons, these Dragons who have such loving regard for the souls of light who choose to incarnate here.

And as we sit in this pivot point, they invite into collaboration the Fae Queens who are also willing to lovingly support those in human form.

We are invited to root ourselves in new ways, to remember the inner magic of ages and wisdom past, and to allow this rooting to permit a new kind of flight in our incarnated lives.

Remember joy. Remember wisdom. Remember the rootedness of connection with your light.

Power Lives Within Your Roots...


Your heart domain is sacred and precious.

We invite you to a life that feels more simple, more joyous, more free... more YOU...

Let the Mother Dragons and the Fae Queens lead you back to the roots of your joy and magic

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Join us, dear Star-Born Soul. 

Choose your Joy.

Let your Roots inspire your Flight.


Hearing the Call?

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Pay in Full, Closing March 10

€222,00 EUR
Pay x 2, Closing Feb 22

2 monthly payments of €111,00 EUR


“Aodaoin is a versatile, wise and extraordinarily talented guide. ... She has a beautiful, gentle and reassuring energy ... Connecting with Aodaoin has been the most magical gift to myself.”